
BoT (Best of Term Competition)!

One day, I was ramdomly browsing stuff on the Internet and got a message on Facebook from a Brazilian friend who is also at Gnomon, congratulating me about my sculpture. I took a while to realize what was she really talking about, because I knew she saw my sculpture long ago hahaha
I entered Gnomon's website and the newest Best of Term students were finally announced, and for my surprise, my sculpture was in between them!

I should admit wasn't expecting for that anymore, because other sculptures competing were so great (congratulations to all of you!). This proved me that if you do the best you can do, and have no fear to expose your work against others, you will always have some good feedback from it. Even if you don't win, you will have people from the industry analyzing your work, which is great, because they might need YOU instead. Who knows, right? The sculptures in the competition are all very different, they can be realist, a creature, a fantasy character, etc - which I think it's awesome since you have the opportunity to show who you are and what do you want to work with without even saying anything.

If you want to compete for Best of Term, you have follow the steps in that same page of Gnomon's website, on the right :http://www.gnomonschool.com/student_work/BoT/ or e-mail Bob Ward for more info (bob@gnomonschool.com). By the way, I wanna thank my friend Ken Chiang, for submitting the pictures of my sculpture at the BoT folder... thank you Ken ! :D It was really nice of you ! hahaha

-You HAVE to submit your work to participate. - Maybe this sounds obvious to some of you, but I'm saying this because many people including me, at the beginning, thought that only by participating in the classes, your work would be automatically competing when it's finished.
-IT'S NOT the teacher of that category that will choose who the BoT is. - many people think that too.
-And from what I heard and that makes sense to me, they choose BoT's based on how technically challenging your work was, and if you were successful showing that you can actually apply what you know in your artworks. Not necessarily the most beautiful/full of sparkles works.
-Enjoy your prize wisely. :) You can use that to buy materials for your classes, for example. hehe
-Good luck!


  1. Guilherme MurayamaJune 29, 2011 at 8:02 PM

    Parabéns pelo prêmio e pelo blog (de grande ajuda não somente pra quem quer ir pra Gnomon, mas pra qualquer um que pretende fazer um intercâmbio nessa área. A referência de portfólios foi de grande ajuda, não sabia do quanto era importante a parte tradicional para a Gnomon)

    Obrigado e Boa Sorte!

  2. Obrigada !!
    E sim, eles dao bastante importancia pra isso hehe :) mas tambem nao significa que vc nao passaria se vc tiver um monte de trabalhos CG muito bons mas nenhum de arte tradicional. Se tiver, as chances de ser aceito aumentam se vc estiver na duvida hehe

    obrigada e boa sorte pra vc tb!

  3. congratulations... !!!!! parabéns leticia, fiquei um tempo sem aconpanhar seu blog, mais acompanhei sua escultura, um dia verei um filme da pixar ou da dreamworks feito por vc... vc ta de parabens!!!!
